[7] James Gurian, Donghui Jeong, and Boyuan Liu
Zero Metallicity with Zero CPU Hours: Masses of the First Stars on the Laptop
Submitted to ApJ
[6] James Gurian, Michael Ryan, Sarah Schon, Donghui Jeong, and Sarah Shandera
A Lower Bound on the Mass of Compact Objects from Dissipative Dark Matter
2022, ApJL, 939, L12
[5] Michael Ryan, Sarah Shandera, James Gurian, and Donghui Jeong
Dark Molecular Chemistry III: DarkKROME
2022, ApJ, 934, 122
[4] James Gurian,Donghui Jeong, Michael Ryan, and Sarah Shandera
Dark Molecular Chemistry II: Recombination, Molecule Formation, and Halo Mass Function in Atomic Dark Matter
2022, ApJ, 934, 121
[3] Michael Ryan, James Gurian, Sarah Shandera, and Donghui Jeong
Molecular Chemistry for Dark Matter
2022, ApJ, 934, 120
[2] James Gurian, Donghui Jeong, Jai-chan Hwang, and Hyerim Noh
Gauge-Invariant Tensor Perturbations Induced from Baryon-CDM Relative Velocity and the B-mode Polarization of the CMB
2021, PRD, 104, 083534
[1] Craig Copi, James Gurian, Glenn Starkman, Arthur Kosowsky, and Hezi Zhang
Exploring suppressed long-distance correlations as the cause of suppressed large-angle correlations
2018, MNRAS, 490, 5174–5181